Bobby Jones on Golf

Bobby Jones

Published By: One Time Publications, Inc.

Bobby Jones Reveals the Newest Secrets of His Golfing Success. Introducrion by Grantland Rice. With articles on putting, stance, swing, grip, correcting faults and others. Revised and enlarged edition. Pictorial card cover depicting Bobby Jones in swing. Extremities creased with several small tears and minor loss. Spine has been repaired with brown tape both extrenally and to the f.f.e.p. Rear cover appears to be missing. Several tears and light loss of text to the rear page. Contents are a little browned and thumbed but on the whole good. B/w photographic illustrations throughout. pp 112. Images available on request.

Book Condition: Good

Author: Bobby Jones

Binding: Hardback

Ref: 056408

Price £180.00