A Physical Dissertation on Drowning, and, Observationum Medico-Chirurgicarum Rariorum, and, Medical and Chirurgical Observations . 3 Papers Bound Into One.

Edition: 1st Edition

Published By: Jacob Robinson

3 papers bound together in 1 volume. Nice early vellum binding from a similar period. Some browning and marking to the binding, with minor wear to the base of the spine but surprisingly tight. Acquired from the Birmingham Medical Institute with associated stamps and markings. Last page of dissertation shows an illustration which is no longer attached at the bottom, with some minor loss towards to the inside margin. The first is dated 1749. 80 pp., [1] leaf of plate : illustrated. A Physical Dissertation on Drowning: In which Submersion, commonly call'd Drowning, is shewn to be a long time Consistent with the Continuance of Life, from a Variety of Unexceptional tho' Surprising Facts, related by the most Eminent and Judicious Authors and Confirm'd by Incontestable Evidence; which Facts are reconcil'd and Accounted for, from the Strictest Laws of the Animal Oeconomy, To which is subjoined, The proper Measures for Recovery and Reielf, the Obligations we lie under to practise them are clearly suggested, and strongly enforc'd; intended for the Good of Mankind, by resorting Life to many Persons, who are erroneously supported to be irretrievably drowned. Recommended particularly, to the Consideration of the Surgeons of the Navy and Army, who have frequent Opportunities of practicing the Methods recommended. With an Appendix, containing some Methods for the recovery of those who hang themselves, and of children supposed to be born dead.. Second paper; Petri de Marchettis Philosophi ac Medici Patavini, Equitis D. Marci, et in Patrio Gymnasio Chirurgiae olim, nunc vero Anatomes Professoris, Observationum Medico-Chirurgicarum Rariorum Sylloge. Accesserunt Aliquot Observationes Auctoris Posthumae. 1729. Written in Latin. 127pp. Third paper is and Medical and Chirurgical Observations, by Frederick Muzell. Translated from the German original. pp xvi + 131. Dated 1755.

Book Condition: Good

Binding: Hardback

Ref: 072722

Price £185.00